Advanced Dentistry
It is not uncommon for a routine dental examination to identify quite advanced dental problems, even in horses that don’t appear to have any issues.
- Severe overgrowths and malocclusions
- Caries (tooth decay) can be peripheral (around the tooth) or infundibular (inside the tooth)
- Pulpitis (exposed pulps)
- Periodontal disease (gum disease)
- Diastemata (abnormal gaps between teeth, often with trapped food)
- Fractured teeth
- Loose teeth
- Toot root abscess
- Sinusitis
- Draining Tracts
- EOTRH (Equine Odontoclastic Tooth Resorption and Hypercementosis)
In this case we can advise on more advanced diagnostics and treatments for these dental problems such as:
- Xray
- Oroscope
- Diastema bridging / widening
- Fillings and restoration
- Extraction